Basic Setup for Your Nest Smart Thermostat

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction: Nest Smart Thermostat: Basic Setup

If you've just installed or you've factory reset your Nest Thermostat you'll need to complete the setup. Your thermostat will ask you basic questions about your location and heating/cooling system.

2. Network Credentials

In order to connect to a wireless network, you must have the required credentials. These are:

  • Wireless Network Name (SSID)
  • Wireless Network Key (Password)

Finding Network Credentials

Most wireless routers/gateways have a label with the default credentials. If the credentials aren't there, look in the devices documentation.

Default Wi-Fi credentials highlighted on router/gateway sticker.

If your Internet Service Provider (ISP) installed the wireless router or gateway, they might have left you a setup sheet which may have the credentials.

3. Introduction: Nest Smart Thermostat: Basic Navigation

Before we begin, let's take a moment to understand how to interact with the user interface of a Nest thermostat.

  • Display: The thermostat is circular with a glass face. The face is the display.
  • Navigation: The outside of the thermostat is a ring that rotates. (Think combination lock)
A Nest Thermostat
  • Selecting: To select something, press down on the same ring that you used to navigate.

4. Nest Smart Thermostat: Power On

The thermostat gets its power from the wiring in the wall that connects it to the home's heating/cooling system. If it is wired correctly and the circuit it is connected to is live, the device should be powered up and waiting on the initial setup.

5. Nest Smart Thermostat: Language Selection

The default language should be set to English but the first step will be to select a language.

Press on language, turn the ring to the desired language and then press on the desired language to select.

A Nest thermostat setup screen with English selected

6. Nest Smart Thermostat: Connect to Wi-Fi Network

  1. Select Internet Connection and press on Internet Connection.
Nest thermostat with internet connection highlighted

  1. Press on Connect
Nest thermostat with Connect highlighted

  1. Select your network and Press.
Nest thermostat with network name highlighted

  1. You will then be prompted for your wireless password. You will need to use the ring to select and press on all the characters for your password
    NOTE: Options in the ring include: Numbers, Letters (Caps & Lower), Backspace and Submit/Enter.
Nest thermostat showing password field

  1. Once you have entered your password, you will need to select the check mark and press it to continue.

7. Nest Smart Thermostat: Location Selection

Next you will need to specify a location. Press Continue.

  1. First it will verify the zip code. If the zip code is not correct, you can manually change it using the same rotate and press method you used to enter your password.
Nest thermostat asking for postal code

  1. Next it will ask you about the type of location, e.g. Single Family, Multi-Family, Apt/Condo or Business.
Nest thermostat asking for type of location

  1. Then it will ask where it is installed in the home, E.g. Bedroom, Living Room, Basement, etc.

8. Nest Smart Thermostat: Equipment Detection

Now the thermostat will ask you about some basic information regarding your heating and cooling system.

We recommend you have this system installed professionally, so many of these questions will be answered by the installer. If questions have not been answered or you installed the Nest Smart Thermostat yourself please follow the on screen instructions and fill out the information as accurately as possible.

9. Nest Smart Thermostat: System Test

Next the thermostat will run a quick test to ensure the system is working correctly.

Nest thermostat with systems test highlighted

You will be prompted with a screen that gives you some systems to test, such as: heating, cooling, fan. The options will vary depending on your heating and cooling system.

10. Nest Smart Thermostat: Install App

Now that the thermostat is configured we need to add it to your account using the Nest app.

  1. If you don't already have it installed, install the Nest app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  2. Launch the app and create an account. If you already have an account, sign into it.
  3. Once you're signed in, tap Add.
Nest app add product screen. Screenshot.

  2. Then choose Nest Thermostat.
  3. Enter the Key Code. To get the Key Code go to your thermostat and:
  4. Press the ring to get to the menu.
  5. Select Settings and press.
  6. Select Nest Account and press.
  7. Then press Get Entry Key.
  8. It will then display the key you will need to enter into the app.
Nest thermostat with entry key

That's it, once the key has been entered you can begin using your thermostat and the app!

11. What's next?

12. Nest Smart Thermostat: Needs to be Installed

We recommend having the thermostat installed by a professional.

Please feel free to return to this guide for the "soft setup" once the thermostat has been physically installed and wired.