Guide for Running an EXE File via PowerShell on Windows 11

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Run EXE File via PowerShell Windows 11

Running an EXE File via PowerShell on Windows 11

Running exe file powershell windows 11

PowerShell is a powerful tool for running scripts and executing commands on Windows 11, including launching executable (EXE) files. You can run EXE files with or without admin rights using PowerShell. Here's how:

Running an EXE File Without Admin Rights:

Open PowerShell by searching for it in the Windows search bar.

In the PowerShell window, navigate to the directory where the EXE file is located using the cd command.

To run the EXE file, type its name (including the .exe extension) and press Enter. For example: myprogram.exe

The EXE file will execute, and the application will run.

Running an EXE File with Admin Rights:

Open PowerShell as an administrator. Right-click on the Windows PowerShell icon in the Start menu and choose "Run as administrator."

In the elevated PowerShell window, navigate to the directory where the EXE file is located using the cd command.

To run the EXE file with admin rights, use the Start-Process cmdlet. For example: Start-Process -FilePath "myprogram.exe" -Verb RunAs

Windows will prompt you to confirm the action. Click "Yes" to run the EXE file with admin privileges.

The EXE file will execute with elevated permissions, and the application will run.

Running EXE files via PowerShell on Windows 11 provides you with control and flexibility, allowing you to choose whether to run them with or without admin rights, depending on your specific requirements.

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