How to Check Firmware Version of Chromecast

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

Your Chromecast does its best to keep itself up-to-date with the latest firmware automatically. It can be helpful to know what version of the firmware its running through.

This guide will walk you through locating the firmware version number for your Chromecast.

Google Chromecast.

2. Check Firmware Version

  1. Make sure your Chromecast is turned on and displaying a background on your television.
Chromecast wallpaper screen.
  1. Open the Google Home app on your smartphone or tablet.
Google Home.
  1. Select the menu in the top-left corner.
Google Home with menu highlighted.
  1. Select Devices.
Menu with Devices highlighted.
  1. Locate your Chromecast in the list, then select the 3-dot menu on the right for that Chromecast.
Devices with Chromecast Menu highlighted.
  1. Select Settings.
Menu with Settings highlighted.
  1. Scroll all the way to the bottom of settings. In the last block of information, your current firmware version is listed as "Cast firmware version".
Settings with Cast firmware version highlighted.