How to Connect a Sony BDPS3700 BluRay Player to WiFi

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Credentials

In order to connect to a wireless network, you must have the required credentials. These are:

  • Wireless Network Name (SSID)
  • Wireless Network Key (Password)

Finding Network Credentials

Most wireless routers/gateways have a label with the default credentials. If the credentials aren't there, look in the devices documentation.

Default Wi-Fi credentials highlighted on router/gateway sticker.

If your Internet Service Provider (ISP) installed the wireless router or gateway, they might have left you a setup sheet which may have the credentials.

2. Connect to Wi-Fi

To navigate the menu you need to use the Remote Control. Press the Arrows to navigate then press Enter to confirm your selection.

Navigation buttons on remote control

  1. Press the Home button on the remote.
  2. Using the left or right arrow go to Setup. Then using the up or down arrow go to Network Settings and press Enter.
Blu-ray setup menu
  1. Select Internet Settings and press Enter.
Blu-ray network settings menu
  1. Then go to Wireless Setup and press the right arrow to continue.
Blu-ray network setup method selection screen
  1. Select Scan as the connection method then press the right arrow.
Blu-ray wireless setup method selection screen
  1. A list of available Wi-Fi networks will populate. Highlight your Wi-Fi network name from the list and press the right arrow.
Wireless network selection screen
  1. Highlight the security mode your Wi-Fi network uses, then press the right arrow.
Wireless encryption method selection screen
  1. =
  2. Press Enter over WPA Key.
Wireless key pre-entry screen
  1. Type in your Wi-Fi password, select Enter on the screen, then press Enter on the remote.
Wireless key entry screen
  1. You will see the password you've entered represented on-screen. Press the right arrow to proceed.
Wireless key post-entry screen
  1. Select Auto for how to set up the IP settings and press the right arrow.
IP address allocation method selection screen
  1. Highlight Save & Connect and press Enter.
Wireless connection confirmation screen
  1. A short connection test will be performed. Once the connection has been successfully established, you will see a confirmation screen. Select OK to complete setup.
Internet connection summary screen

3. Check Other Devices

To help troubleshoot the problem we should check if other devices can connect to the wireless network.

4. Check Environment

If other wireless devices are connected to the network and functioning properly, chances are the router is OK. It's possible there is an environmental issue. Do you have a portable wireless device (Smart Phone, Tablet, Laptop, etc.) that you can put in the same area to test and see if that device's wireless connection still functions as intended in that location?

5. Power cycle

If you haven't already, please try power cycling the device you're working with. To do so, simply turn it off, wait 30 seconds and turn it back on again.

6. Incompatible Routers

At this time, Sony has not indicated that there are any compatibility issues with specific models of networking equipment on the market. To ensure that your specific networking equipment and all settings will work properly with your Sony Blu-ray player, please reach out to the manufacturer directly for further assistance.

Some wireless routers broadcast a dual-band wireless signal and provide both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks. Your device may not see the 5GHz network, which is completely normal. Not all devices contain the antenna to communicate on the 5GHz band. Also, some routers broadcast guest networks that your device may not be able to connect to depending on your router's settings.

7. What's next?

8. Range Check

The device needs to be within a reasonable range of the router in order to connect and have the best connection speeds.

  • In general, in most homes, you can be up to 30 feet from your router for a decent connection.
  • From 30' to 50' away, the speeds will be slower, and may drop occasionally, but it should be usable.
  • Greater than 50' away, and the signal will most likely be too weak to overcome interference. The speeds will be slow, and the connection may be sporadic.

The above numbers are approximates only. Optimal range may vary based on router make and model.

9. What's next?

10. Relocate Router Check

Your router may need to be relocated to a more centralized location in order to provide better coverage for all your devices.

Good Placement

A house, separated into rooms detailing how placing Wi-Fi in the center of a house will provide better coverage to reach all devices. Diagram.

Bad Placement

A house, separated into rooms detailing how placing Wi-Fi in the corner of the house can cause some devices to not have a Wi-Fi signal. Diagram.

11. Router Relocation

Since this appears to be a range issue that can be resolved by putting the router in closer proximity to the device's intended use area, we recommend moving the router to a more centralized location.

12. Range Extender

If wireless signal is not reaching your device, and relocating your router or the device itself to be in closer proximity is not possible or doesn't resolve the issue, a great way to boost wireless signal without replacing existing equipment is to acquire and install a range extender. Range extenders work with your existing wireless router as a type of wireless repeater used to expand the reach of wireless signal in your home.

13. What's next?