How to Factory Reset a Linksys Router

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

How to Factory Reset a Linksys Router: A Comprehensive Guide

A factory reset is a powerful tool to restore your Linksys router to its original settings. Whether you're troubleshooting connectivity issues, preparing to sell the router, or simply starting fresh, a factory reset can help. This blog will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Understanding Factory Reset

A factory reset erases all custom settings on your router, including:

  • Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password
  • Admin username and password
  • Network settings
  • Parental controls
  • Any other personalized configurations

After the reset, your router will revert to its default factory settings, just as it was when you first bought it.

When to Factory Reset Your Linksys Router

You might need to perform a factory reset for several reasons:

  • Forgotten admin password or Wi-Fi credentials
  • Persistent connectivity issues
  • Preparing the router for a new user
  • Troubleshooting network problems

How to Factory Reset Your Linksys Router

There are two main methods to factory reset a Linksys router: using the physical reset button and via the web-based setup page. Here’s how to do both:

Method 1: Using the Physical Reset Button

  1. Locate the Reset Button
  2. The reset button is usually found on the back or bottom of your Linksys router. It's often recessed to prevent accidental presses.
  3. Press and Hold the Reset Button
  4. Use a paperclip or a similar pointed object to press and hold the reset button for about 10-15 seconds. You'll usually see the router's lights start to blink, indicating that the reset process has begun.
  5. Reconfigure Your Router
  6. Once the router has rebooted, you'll need to reconfigure it. Connect your computer to the router via Ethernet or Wi-Fi using the default SSID (usually labeled on the router) and password.

Method 2: Using the Web-Based Setup Page

  1. Connect to Your Router
    • Ensure your computer is connected to the Linksys router either via Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.
  2. Access the Router’s Web-Based Setup Page
    • Open a web browser and enter the default IP address for Linksys routers (usually or in the address bar.
  3. Log In to the Router
    • Enter the admin username and password. If you haven’t changed them, the default credentials are usually admin for both username and password. (If you’ve forgotten the login details, you’ll need to use the physical reset method.)
  4. Navigate to Factory Reset Settings
    • Once logged in, navigate to the "Administration" tab or a similar section. Look for the "Factory Defaults" or "Restore Factory Defaults" option.
  5. Initiate the Factory Reset
    • Click on the "Restore Factory Defaults" button and confirm the action when prompted. The router will begin the reset process and reboot itself.
  6. Reconfigure Your Router
    • After the reset and reboot, reconfigure your router with your desired settings.

Post-Reset Steps

After performing a factory reset, follow these steps to get your router up and running again:

  1. Reconnect to the Router
    • Use the default Wi-Fi credentials to connect your devices to the router.
  2. Access the Web-Based Setup Page
    • Open a web browser and navigate to the router's IP address to access the setup page.
  3. Reconfigure Settings
    • Set up your Wi-Fi name (SSID), password, and other network settings according to your preferences.
  4. Secure Your Router
    • Change the default admin password to something more secure to protect your network from unauthorized access.
  5. Update Firmware
    • Check for any firmware updates for your Linksys router to ensure it has the latest features and security patches.


Factory resetting your Linksys router is a straightforward process that can help resolve many issues or prepare the device for a new user. Whether using the physical reset button or the web-based setup page, these methods will ensure your router is restored to its original settings. Remember to reconfigure and secure your network afterward to maintain optimal performance and security.

Contact Support.Com

If you are still having trouble, refer to the Step-By-Step Guide below, or Contact Support.Com for Personalized Assistance.

1. Introduction

This guide will help you reset your Linksys router if you can no longer access the router's web-based setup page, or you forgot the router's password, or due to a troubleshooting process.

Tools You'll Need:

  • A paperclip

Supplies You'll Need:

  • Zip ties
  • Any other consumable supplies
  • Comment out supplies section if no supplies are necessary


Before You Begin:

  • Be near your router.

Resetting your router will clear all your home networking settings and will change all of your settings back to the defaults.

Linksys Routers

2. Factory Reset

Resetting your router will clear all your home networking settings and will change all of your settings back to the defaults.The location of the Reset button may vary for every model. Older Linksys devices may require pressing and holding the Reset button for 30 seconds to complete the reset process.

To perform a factory reset, please follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure the router is ON.
  2. Using a paper clip, push and hold the Reset button.
Back of router with Reset highlighted
  1. Hold the reset switch for 10-15 seconds.
Wait 15 seconds
  1. Disconnect and reconnect the router's power adapter.
  2. Once it fully reboots, you can use the default username and password to connect the device.

The default credentials are:

  • Username: (leave blank)
  • Password: admin

To start setting up your router right away