How to Fix Search Not Working on Apple Safari

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

Searching the web is something we do every day. Whether you are searching from Safari's address bar, or have its homepage set to take you to your favorite search engine's website instead, you've likely gotten accustomed to the way you search on a daily basis. If that search experience has suddenly changed seemingly without warning, that's a clear sign that something is messing with Safari's settings without your knowledge or consent.

This guide will help you make sure that Safari on your Mac is configured properly so that your search experience returns to normal once again.

Tools You'll Need:

  • A paperclip
  • iPhone charging cable
  • Access to a computer with iTunes installed
  • Any other non-consumable tools needed
  • Comment out tools section if no tools are necessary


Supplies You'll Need:

  • Zip ties
  • Any other consumable supplies
  • Comment out supplies section if no supplies are necessary


Before You Begin:

  • You must have access to a computer with iTunes installed.
  • You must have that thing for the other thing so you can do the thing.

You must have this thing before you whatever.


Close-up image of a browser's address bar.


Windows runs on computers produced by multiple companies, such as Lenovo, Asus, Dell, Toshiba, Hewlett Packard, Acer, and Sony.

Windows 10


Apple is the only company that makes macOS computers.

macOS Mojave


2. Clear History and Saved Data

  1. Open Safari.
Apple Safari.
  1. Select the Safari menu, then select Clear History.
Safari menu with Clear History highlighted.
  1. Select Clear all history, then select Clear History.
Clear History dialog with clear all history and clear history button highlighted.

3. Remove Problematic Extensions

Extensions provide extra features to Safari. Sometimes, these Extensions are not coded well, break after an update, or they change the way Safari works in a malicious way to show you advertisements.

Disabling or removing unneeded or unwanted Extensions can help resolve these problems.

Some pop-ups are created from extensions/add-ons installed on your browser. We will be going over steps to remove the extension.

Apple Safari.
  1. From the Safari menu, choose Preferences.
Safari with Safari menu and Preferences highlighted. Screenshot
  1. The following steps can be repeated to remove multiple browser extensions.
  2. Click the Extensions tab. Click on Uninstall for any extensions you want to remove.
Extensions menu with Uninstall highlighted. Screenshot
  1. You will get a confirmation window.  Click on Uninstall to confirm removal.
Confirmation window with Uninstall highlighted. Screenshot
  1. If a new tab opens up, you can close it by hitting the X.
  2. Extensions are now gone, you may have to restart your browser for it to take effect. If you removed a malicious extension, it might have changed your homepage.

4. Remove Potentially Unwanted Programs

Potentially unwanted programs, or "PUPs", often arrive bundled with your computer or can tag along with another software program you meant to install. Most times, they are snuck into the EULA as a "Recommended Offer" that many of us are so accustomed to just click right through. Lots of these types of programs end up being junkware that your computer will not benefit from. Unfortunately, some of these programs can add unwanted browser toolbars or extensions that can clutter your browser, track your web browsing, show additional advertisements, or change your search page and other related settings. Usually, unless these types of programs are removed, they will continue causing issues with your web browsing experience.

Example of a PUP installing a search bar

Removing an app may also remove all data for that app. Make sure you have any information you need backed up before removing an app for your Mac.

Remove apps installed from the App Store

  1. Open the Launchpad from the dock.
Launchpad highlighted
  1. Click and hold on an icon until all icons start to jiggle.
Shaking icon
  1. Click the "x" on the top left of the icon you want to remove.
X highlighted
  1. Click Delete to confirm removal.
Delete button highlighted

Remove apps via Finder

  1. Open the Finder from the dock.
Finder highlighted on the dock
  1. Click on Applications on the left.
Application highlighted
  1. Drag the app you wish to remove to the Trash Bin.
Drag app to the trashcan
  1. Right click on the trashcan and click Empty Trash.
Empty Trash highlighted

Test your browser after removing any PUPs from your machine. This may require you to restart your browser or your computer beforehand depending on what was removed.

5. Verify Safari Homepage Settings

If your search experience hasn't returned to normal, the next step is to verify that Safari's homepage settings are where they should be in order to provide you with the search experience you're familiar with. If any settings were previously 'hijacked' by a malicious extension and were not reverted back to what they were originally set to, your search experience may still not be right.

Your web browser's homepage settings dictate the website that is loaded when it is opened up.

  1. Open Safari.
Apple Safari.
  1. From the (1) Safari menu, choose (2) Preferences.
Safari with Safari menu and Preferences highlighted. Screenshot
  1. Click on the General (1) tab, then ensure that the Homepage (2) is set to the website you would like Safari to load when it is first opened.
Safari General menu with Homepage highlighted. Screenshot

6. Try Your Search Page Again

  1. Open Safari.
Apple Safari.
  1. Test things out to see if your search experience has returned to normal.
  2. If your search experience is still abnormal, we recommend that your machine be professionally diagnosed to determine the root cause of the issue.