How to Test Out Webex Audio and Video Settings

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

How to Test Out Webex Audio and Video Settings

Testing your Webex audio and video settings ensures a smooth experience during meetings. Here’s a detailed guide:

  1. Open Webex:
    • Launch the Webex application on your computer or navigate to the Webex website.
  2. Sign In:
    • Enter your credentials to sign in to your Webex account.
  3. Start a Test Meeting:
    • To test your settings without joining a live meeting, start a new meeting by clicking “Start Meeting” or “Personal Room.”
  4. Access Settings:
    • In the meeting window, locate and click the gear icon to open settings. This is typically found at the bottom or top of the meeting window.
  5. Audio Settings:
    • Select the “Audio” tab.
    • Choose your preferred microphone and speaker from the dropdown menus.
    • Speak into your microphone and look for movement in the volume bar to ensure it’s picking up sound.
    • Click “Test” to play a sound through your selected speaker.
  6. Video Settings:
    • Select the “Video” tab.
    • Choose your preferred camera from the dropdown menu.
    • Ensure your video feed is displayed correctly in the preview window.
  7. Advanced Settings:
    • Explore advanced settings for both audio and video, such as noise reduction and camera resolution, to enhance your meeting experience.
  8. Save Settings:
    • Once you are satisfied with your settings, click “Save” or “Apply” to ensure these configurations are used in future meetings.
  9. End Test Meeting:
    • Close the test meeting to complete the process.

Contact Support.Com

If you are still having trouble, refer to the Step-By-Step Guide below, or Contact Support.Com for Personalized Assistance.

1. Introduction

Ever been in a web conference call, and frustrated because your mic isn't working?

You had something important to say and half way through you find out nobody can hear you.

Perhaps you've joined an online meeting and wondered why everybody is so quiet. Are they giving you the silent treatment on purpose? You start to wonder, maybe they're all muted. Is that an accident? Did the moderator forget to unmute their mics?

You can avoid those situations. Before your next Cisco Webex meeting be confident they can hear you, and you can hear them.

This guide contains instructions on how to:

  • Join a test call to test your mic, sound and webcam
  • Choose the correct speaker and microphone settings like input and output volumes.
  • Check Webex server status
  • Solve problems if they come up

Before You Begin:

  • If you're using a headset, make sure it's plugged into your computer.
  • If you're using an external speakers and microphone, make sure they're plugged into your computer.

2. Make a Test Call and Check My Settings

Webex offers a test Webinar you can join to make sure all your settings are correct before your real conference.

Join a Test Call

  1. Open your preferred browser, and visit
Chrome browser with address filled in and highlighted.
  1. Enter your Name and Email address, then select Join.
Cisco Webex test meeting setup with Name, Email address, and Join highlighted.
  1. If this is your first time running Webex, you'll be prompted to install webex.exe.
Click here to install webex.exe
  1. Some browsers require your explicit consent to open external programs. Select Open Cisco Webex Meeting.
Prompt to open Cisco Webex Meeting with Open highlighted.
  1. The meeting software will launch. Select Join Meeting.
Webex Meetings with Join Meeting highlighted.

Test My Mic, Sound and Webcam

  1. In the meeting, a simple test view is shown. Make sure your mic is not muted and your webcam is shown if you're showing it. A preview of your webcam will be shown on the right-bottom of the meeting to verify it's working.
Cisco Webex Meeting screen with Mic, Webcam, and Webcam preview highlighted.

3. Check Speaker, Mic and Camera Settings After Joining

Your computer has many audio sources and destinations, many of which you may simply not be using, but got set as default on accident. A quick check of where Webex is listening and playing audio can solve many problems you may have.

  1. While on a conference, select the Audio menu, then select Speaker, Microphone and Camera.
Conference with Audio menu open and Speaker, Microphone and Camera highlighted.
  1. Check each setting in turn:
  2. For Speaker, make sure the sound is set to play through the right set of speakers.You can select Test to be sure you hear the chime after choosing a device.
  3. For Microphone, select the mic you want to use.The meter just below will light up when you speak, so you can make sure you have the right source selected.
  4. For Camera, make sure the proper source is selected.You will see a preview of your webcam just below. If all you see is black, make sure the camera isn't covered.
Speaker Microphone, and Camera settings with each highlighted.

4. If the Test Call Worked but You're Having Issues

If you are having some type of call issue and the test call worked fine, there are some additional checks you can make.

Check the Webex Service Status page. On the status page you can check to see if there are any outages or service interruptions occurring. If there is an issue, simply wait for service to return or contact Webex's customer service.

Webex Service Status Page Example.

Audio Issues
We have a guide to help you troubleshoot common audio issues such as echos, others having problems hearing you, or having problems hearing others.

Video Issues
We have a separate guide available to help troubleshoot webcam and other common video issues.

Poor Audio/Video Quality
To rule out poor audio or video issues that could be caused by your webcam, mic, network, or other problems, we have a general guide to help.

  • How to Fix Poor Audio or Video Quality for VOIP