Troubleshoot Webex Audio Not Working

Authored by: Tech Pro Team

1. Introduction

Can't hear or be heard clearly on your Webex conference?

This guide will help you:

  • Check audio settings
  • Check audio connections
  • Check volume
  • Help with echo cancellation
  • Setup a phone connection — So you can get work done now, and troubleshoot later.

Before You Begin:

  • If you're using a headset, make sure it's plugged into your computer.
  • If you're using an external speakers and microphone, make sure they're plugged into your computer.
Cisco Webex.

2. I Can Hear Others, but They Can't Hear Me

In most cases, if you can hear your colleagues but they can't hear you, either your microphone is muted, or not plugged in.

Check Audio Source

Since you can have multiple microphones, it's important to tell Webex which device you are actually using.

  1. While on a conference, select the Audio menu, then select Speaker, Microphone and Camera.
Conference with Audio menu open and Speaker, Microphone and Camera highlighted.
  1. For Microphone, select the mic you want to use. If your mic isn't listed, it may not be plugged in.
Settings with Microphone highlighted.
  1. The meter just below will light up when you speak, so you can make sure you have the right source selected.

Microphone Connection

Verify your microphone is plugged in securely.


Make sure the microphone is plugged into the Pink audio port.

Analog audio connection showing pink plug going into pink port and lime green plug going into lime green port.


USB ports may have more or less power, and sometimes some USB ports don't have enough power. Try using a different USB port on your computer.

USB port and connector

Check Headset Mute

Some headsets have a mute button. Make sure your microphone is not muted by pressing it one time.

There is usually a small light next to a mute button; if the light is on, your microphone is muted!

Check Input Volume on Computer

The volume set on your mic may be set low, it's good to check the settings to be sure it wasn't changed accidentally.



  1. Using your right mouse button, Right click on the speaker in your System Tray, and select Open Sound settings.
Windows System Tray with speaker icon highlighted with right mouse button near by, with menu open, and Open Sound settings highlighted.
  1. Under Input, select Device properties.
Sound settings with Input Device Properties highlighted.
  1. Make sure Disable is not checked, and make sure the volume is at a reasonable volume.
Device properties with disable box unchecked and volume meter highlighted.
  1. A volume between 50 and 75 is usually appropriate.


Apple macOS

  1. Open the Apple Menu, then select System Preferences.
Apple Menu with System Preferences highlighted.
  1. Select Sound.
System Preferences with Sound highlighted.
  1. Select the Input tab at top, and make sure the Input volume is at a reasonable volume.
Sound preferences with Input tab and input volume highlighted.
  1. A volume between 50 and 75 is usually appropriate.

Check Mute in Webex

Webex has a built-in mute feature you can press if you happen to cough, or have other unwelcome noise happen that you don't want your colleagues to hear. Sometimes this can be set accidentally, so it's best to check it first.



Make sure the microphone in the circle at the bottom is not filled in at the bottom.

Webex Unmuted



The microphone at the bottom will be filled in red when you are muted.

Webex Muted.

3. I Can't Hear Anybody, but They Can Hear Me

If you're seeing in text chat that you can be heard, but you can't hear anyone else, either your sound is muted, turned down too low, or the wrong speaker output is selected in Webex.

Check Audio Source in Webex

Since you can have multiple speakers outputs, it's important to tell Webex which device you are actually using.

  1. While on a conference, select the Audio menu, then select Speaker, Microphone and Camera.
Conference with Audio menu open and Speaker, Microphone and Camera highlighted.
  1. Make sure the proper Speaker is selected. If your speaker or sound device isn't listed, then make sure it is connected and on.
Settings with Speaker and Test highlighted.
  1. Press the Test button to the right to hear a chime to make sure you have the proper speakers selected.

Check Volume in the Operating System

You can adjust the volume on your computer, and sometimes this gets set too low or muted by mistake.



Select the speaker near the clock in your System Tray, usually in the bottom-right corner of your screen. You are able to move the slider back and forth to increase and decrease the volume.

Windows System tray with speaker highlighted and volume meter open and slider highlighted.


Apple macOS

Select the Speaker on the top-right of your Menu bar. You can use the slider to adjust the volume.

Mac Volume adjustment

4. I Hear an Echo, Static or Audio Sounds Bad

If your colleagues mention your audio quality is poor, or the audio you hear sounds bad, there are a few things you can check.

  • Use a Headset
    If possible, use a headset. Because your mic will pick up whatever is playing from your speakers, including your colleagues and your voice, it can cause a feedback loop. If possible, switch to using a headset and mic, so your mic won't pick up the sounds playing.
  • Turn Off Other Sources of Audio on Your Computer
    Some audio devices don't 'mix' audio well, and can degrade the quality of everything. Turn off any videos, music, or other audio you may be listening to while on the conference.
  • Replug Devices
  • Analog Devices
  • Analog audio devices connect using a minijack. Both the jack and the port on the computer can end up with little bits of dust which can cause audio to crackle, have static, or drop out. The simple fix is to unplug and replug the device, this removes the dust and tends to fix the problem.
  • USB Devices
USB Device
  • USB Devices aren't as susceptible to dust, but because of how modern computers work, there could be not enough power on certain USB ports to power the device. Switch to a different USB port on your computer and try again.
  • Close Other Programs
    If the audio quality is poor, it's possible your computer doesn't have enough power to encode the audio quickly enough because other programs are running in the background. Close the other programs you're not using on your computer.
  • Reboot Your Computer
    If you're unable to find any programs to close, or if there's updates waiting to apply on your computer, it's possible this, too, could cause audio problems. Rebooting your computer can solve these problems.

Dedicated Audio Troubleshooting Guide
We offer a separate, dedicated guide that will help you check a number of other options with the audio on your computer that may help further.

5. I Can't Fix My Sound, How Do I Connect by Phone?

If all else fails, and you need to be on a conference, Webex provides an option to switch to using any telephone for your audio, allowing you to follow along and get work done, so you can troubleshoot the problem with your computer's audio later.

If you do not have a mic, this also allows you to be heard till you can pick one up!

  1. While on a conference, select the Audio menu, then select Audio Connection.
Webex with Audio menu open and Audio Connection highlighted.
  1. Next to Call in, select View.
Audio connection with Call in View highlighted.
  1. You'll be given a Phone Number, Access Code, and Attendee ID.
Call In instructions with Phone number, access code, and attendee ID highlighted.
  1. Call the phone number listed.
  2. Enter the access code when asked.
  3. Enter the attendee ID when asked.
  4. You can now hear and be heard over your phone, while still seeing the presentation on your computer screen.